How to use bone marrow cell counter

1. The method of using the bone marrow cell counter is as follows:

1. Open the counter box and lay out the stage, making sure there is nothing under the stage and the counter box is parallel.

2. Open the sample tube and add an appropriate amount of bone marrow fluid, being careful not to let it overflow the bottom of the tube.

3. Place the counting plate in the center of the stage, make sure the stage is in close contact with the counting plate, and adjust the plate to be clear under the microscope. Place the counter perpendicular to the field of view, count the number of cells in one square (the number of cells in one square is negligible if it is less than 20 or more than 40), count at least three squares, and calculate the percentage of cells.

4. The average value of cells within a certain area can be obtained as needed.

Bone marrow cell count is to count the number of different types of blood cells in the bone marrow to determine the state of bone marrow hematopoietic function and assist in the diagnosis of blood diseases. If you still have questions, it is recommended to consult a professional physician.

Second, the precautions for bone marrow cell counters include:

1. To fully expose the bone marrow cavity, it is necessary to gently press the periosteum to fully expose the bone marrow fluid.

2. Avoid damaging the periosteum to avoid affecting the examination results.

3. The counting chamber should not be left for a long time before use, otherwise the cells will settle, resulting in inaccurate results.

4. When counting, avoid reflections, shadows or fluorescent substances adhering to the counting pool.

5. After the patient's blood is drawn, the bone marrow fluid should not be exposed for too long and should be counted as soon as possible to maintain cell activity.

In addition, the results of the bone marrow cell count report are affected by many factors, such as the patient's age, gender, diet, medication, etc., so comprehensive considerations are required when interpreting the results. It is recommended that you consult a doctor to obtain more accurate test results.



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