How to use and pay attention to the transfer decolorization shaker

When using a transfer destaining shaker, please note the following steps:

1. Place the washed bacteria in a dry culture medium to allow them to adhere to the wall and form a bacterial lawn.

2. Add a suitable liquid culture medium at about 37°C and let the liquid rise along the surface of the bacterial lawn. When the liquid is flush with the surface of the bacterial lawn, stop adding liquid.

3. Turn on the shaker and make the bacterial lawn perform regular turning motion on the shaker.

4. The bacterial lawn is turned vertically on the shaker for more than 60 minutes. The nutrients contained in the liquid culture medium can be fully absorbed by the bacteria, thereby achieving better decolorization effect.


When using the transfer destaining shaker, you should pay attention to the following points:

1. During the experiment, there are always reagent components in the liquid. Therefore, when turning on the power, be careful not to start the motor suddenly to avoid liquid splashing and safety accidents.

2. No other objects should be placed on the work surface of the transfer decolorizing shaker. The work surface must be kept flat to avoid excessive vibration when the instrument is working.

3. Strictly control the temperature of the experiment, especially the optimal temperature for the reagent reaction. If the temperature is too high, the reagent will fail and even be dangerous; if the temperature is too low, the reaction speed will be too slow, affecting the experimental results.

4. During the experiment, the temperature and shaking time should be set reasonably according to the experimental requirements. The initial experiment can be set to a safe range, and then gradually optimized.

5. The transfer and decolorization shaker should avoid power outages during operation. If the experiment needs to be suspended, be sure to turn off the power to avoid evaporation of liquid due to heating of the equipment.

6. Protective equipment such as gloves and goggles should be worn during experiments to avoid splashing and irritation of reagents.

7. After the experiment, the instrument should be cleaned and wiped to ensure that the surface of the instrument is clean and tidy, and the safety protection of the equipment should be taken.


In short, when using the transfer decolorization shaker for experiments, you need to strictly follow the operating procedures, pay attention to safety, and ensure the accuracy and reliability of the experimental results.



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