Precautions for large-capacity low-speed refrigerated centrifuge

1. Select the appropriate centrifuge tube: Large-capacity low-speed refrigerated centrifuges usually use centrifuge tubes of 50 ml, 100 ml or larger capacity. Make sure to use the correct size centrifuge tube to accommodate your sample.

2. Balance of sample: Before using the centrifuge, ensure that the sample is evenly distributed in the centrifuge tube and that both ends of the centrifuge tube have equal weight. This can be ensured by placing the sample symmetrically or by adding suitable counterweights.

3. Temperature setting of refrigerated centrifuge: Set the appropriate temperature according to your experimental needs. Refrigerated centrifuges can usually be set to -20 degrees Celsius or lower. Make sure to set the correct temperature to protect the sample.

4. Centrifuge usage time: The usage time of low-speed refrigerated centrifuges is usually longer, which may take several hours or more. Make sure the centrifuge can operate safely and maintain stable temperatures and speeds.

5. Centrifuge speed setting: Set the appropriate centrifugation speed according to your experimental needs. Low-speed refrigerated centrifuges typically have slower speeds, usually measured in rpm (revolutions per minute). Make sure to set the correct rotation speed to ensure the accuracy of the experiment.

6. Pay attention to the safety of the centrifuge tube: The centrifuge is a high-speed rotating device, so make sure the centrifuge tube is closed securely and placed in the centrifuge head of the centrifuge. Avoid loosening or falling off the centrifuge tubes to avoid injury.

7. Centrifuge usage environment: Ensure that the centrifuge is used in an appropriate environment. Avoid use in humid, high temperature or flammable environments, and ensure that the environment around the device is well ventilated.

8. Pay attention to the maintenance of the centrifuge: clean the centrifuge regularly and comply with the manufacturer's maintenance requirements. This will help extend the life of the centrifuge and ensure it operates properly.

9. Safe operation: When using the centrifuge, always follow the relevant safety operating procedures. Wear appropriate personal protective equipment, such as gloves and goggles, and follow laboratory safety guidelines.

10. Follow laboratory regulations: When using a centrifuge in the laboratory, follow laboratory regulations and procedures. Make sure you have the right training and understand the relevant safety and operating guidelines.



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