Characteristics and uses of radioactive tomography scanners
Features of radioactive tomography scanners include:
1. The detection sensitivity is high and can detect 10-14~10-11Ci radionuclides. The basic performance indicators of the instrument include background count rate, radioactive count rate, energy resolution, spatial resolution and time resolution.
2. The source of the detection signal can be accurately located. Because radioactive tomography scanners have good histological and geographical characteristics, they can accurately locate radioactive isotope signals, reducing interference from other detectors to a large extent.
3. Rapid, real-time and quantitative detection of radionuclides in environmental samples, widely used in nuclear medicine, radiochemistry, environmental science, biology, geophysics and other fields.
The functions of radioactive tomography scanners include:
* **Detect disease. **For example, hyperthyroidism, diabetes, fractures, various tumors, etc.
* **For disease treatment. **For example, radioactive 131 iodine scan for hyperthyroidism, radioactive 90 strontium scan for liver cancer, strontium 89 scan for bone metastasis cancer, 99m tcm scan for lung cancer, etc.
* **Detect diseases and use them for disease treatment. **For example, 14 cm scan for nasopharyngeal cancer, 99m tcm scan for gastrointestinal cancer, radioactive 90 strontium scan for liver cancer, etc.
* **For trauma detection. **For example, acute sprain and dislocation examination, etc.
* **Assisted high voltage electrofocusing mass spectrometry to identify organic compounds. **
To summarize, radioactive tomography scanners have applications in fields such as medicine, biology, chemistry, and materials science.