Peripheral nerve tester

Peripheral nerve detector is a medical device used to detect and evaluate the peripheral nerve function of the human body. It can detect and measure physiological indicators such as nerve conduction velocity, electromyography, sensory nerve conduction velocity and reflexes.

Peripheral nerve detectors usually consist of a host, sensors, and electrodes. The host includes a display, control panel, and computer system. Sensors and electrodes are used to measure nerve conduction and muscle activity. The device can use surface electrodes or needle electrodes to detect nerve conduction velocity and electromyography.

The peripheral nerve monitor can be used to diagnose and evaluate various neurological conditions such as peripheral neuropathy, nerve damage, motor neuron disease and neuromuscular junction disease. The device can also help doctors track the progress of treatment.

In general, peripheral nerve detectors are non-invasive, safe and effective tools for evaluating neurological function, and have become one of the important auxiliary devices for neurological diagnosis and treatment.

According to the different detection principles and usage scenarios, peripheral nerve detectors can be divided into the following categories:

1. Electrophysiological detector: It evaluates nerve conduction function and muscle electrical activity by recording changes in the electrical activity of the nervous system, such as electromyograph, electroneurogram, polysomnography, etc.

2. Mechanical receptor detector: detects the function of nerve endings and deep receptors, such as pressure receptors, vibration receptors, etc., by simulating mechanical stimulation;

3. Thermal pain receptor detector: detects the function of nerve endings and deep thermal pain receptors through thermal stimulation, such as thermal stimulator, cold stimulator, etc.;

4. Endoscopic detector: Observe changes in nerve or muscle tissue through endoscopic technology, such as gastroenteroscope, cystoscope, bronchoscope, etc.



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