Principles and usage of electrophoresis gel plates

The electrophoresis gel plate is a high-performance liquid chromatography device with different chromatography modes designed based on the molecular weight and charging status of different components such as DNA/RNA/protein in different tested samples, allowing various substances in complex mixtures to be separated. Separate, thereby achieving effective separation of various substances in complex samples. The principle is mainly based on the difference in charge number and molecular size between various molecules, and uses high-resolution ion exchange chromatography or reversed-phase chromatography for separation.

How to use electrophoresis gel plates is as follows:
1. Open the package and remove all reagents and materials.
2. Place the white reagent rack on a level work surface.
3. Tear off the PAA film cover and thin glass cover.
4. Take out the anode and cathode respectively, use a thin glass tube to take 50ul of electrophoresis buffer, add it to the anode concave hole, then suck out 50ul of buffer solution from the cathode and add it to the cathode concave hole, add an appropriate amount of sample, and put the membrane holder into the electrophoresis tank. middle.
5. Place the sample barcode on the right side of the film, align the aluminum foil sticker barcode with the film barcode, tear it off, and stick the aluminum foil barcode next to the film barcode.
6. Place the electrophoresis plate on the electrophoresis instrument, turn on the power, and set the electrophoresis conditions.
7. Start electrophoresis. After electrophoresis is completed, turn off the power and take out the film.

Note: Check each interface for leakage before use, and remove each interface after electrophoresis.



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