Precautions for domestic anorectal treatment instruments

When using domestic anorectal treatment instruments, there are several precautions to pay attention to:

1. Patients are advised not to drive while using the therapeutic device to ensure traffic safety.
2. During the treatment with the therapeutic device, alcohol abuse is prohibited.
3. Do not smoke and follow the instructions to adopt the correct posture.
4. Tobacco and alcohol will accelerate local blood circulation, leading to an increased bleeding tendency.
5. Use the therapeutic device strictly according to the doctor's instructions, and avoid operating the therapeutic device blindly by yourself.
6. Avoid bathing, sexual intercourse, and pay attention to personal hygiene.
7. Eat less spicy, greasy and irritating food.
8. Eat more high-fiber foods such as vegetables and fruits.
9. Avoid overwork and keep a happy mood.
10. Women should refrain from using the therapeutic device during menstruation.
11. If there is bleeding at the treatment site, stop using the treatment device immediately and consult a doctor.
12. If you experience any abnormalities such as local bleeding, pain, blood in the stool, etc. after using the therapeutic device, please seek medical attention immediately.
13. When installing the anorectal treatment device, attention should be paid to dust-free and sterile conditions.
14. Before treatment, you should empty your bowels, wear loose cotton underwear, and pay attention to personal hygiene.
15. When using the instrument, be careful to prevent it from tipping over, especially when sitting on the bed, be careful to prevent slipping.
16. If you find any fever, increased wound secretions, or foul odor, you should tell the doctor or nurse immediately.
17. Use the treatment device strictly according to the doctor's instructions. Do not change the treatment time or interrupt the treatment at will.
18. Avoid heavy physical labor within 3 months after treatment to avoid affecting the efficacy.
19. When using the anorectal treatment device, be careful to avoid touching private parts.
20. You should rest in bed for 1 to 2 days after the operation and reduce activities to promote wound healing.
21. For a period of time after using the anorectal treatment device, the stool may become unformed and dark in color, which is normal.



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