Bone marrow cell counter

A bone marrow cell counter is a tool used to count the number of cells in bone marrow fluid, usually for bone marrow cytology.

The counter usually consists of a glass capillary tube with small variations in inner diameter and length. A metal mesh screen with sieve holes of uniform aperture is installed at the tip of the tube. The counting plate coincides with the axis of the glass tube and has a certain inclination angle. A set of fixed counting screens is installed on the inner wall of the counting chamber. The bone marrow fluid is introduced from the top of the capillary tube into the counting area of the counting plate, and the bone marrow cells are counted through the counting screen holes.

The counter is usually used to classify and count bone marrow images. It is a common bone marrow examination technique that can be used to diagnose blood system diseases.

Bone marrow cell counters are classified as follows:

1. Reticular platelet system: mainly distributed in the central light-stained area, with a small number, dark staining, and difficult to count.

2. Granulocyte system: the largest in number, with the cytoplasm stained light blue and lighter in color.

3. Erythroid cells: They are fewer in number, their cytoplasm is stained darker red, and they are larger in size.

4. Lymphoid cells: distributed at the edges of the bone marrow lobules, the cells are small and the cytoplasm is stained light blue or light red.

5. Mononuclear cell system: larger in size and similar in morphology to granulocytes, but with lighter cytoplasmic staining.

The above classification can accurately observe the count of bone marrow cells. In addition, you also need to understand how to count red blood cells and white blood cells. It is recommended to consult a professional doctor.



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