Household Microbaric Oxygen Chamber

The household microbaric oxygen chamber is a special medical device for microbaric oxygen therapy. According to the different pressurized medium, it can be divided into air pressurized chamber and pure oxygen pressurized chamber. The household microbaric oxygen chamber has a wide range of applications. Clinically, it is mainly used for the treatment of anaerobic infection, pulmonary embolism, decompression sickness, hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy, traumatic brain injury, and cerebrovascular disease.

The household microbaric oxygen chamber is actually a device for treating hypoxia. Its chamber is a closed cylinder that can be supplied with pure oxygen or compressed air through piping and control systems. Therefore, according to the different input gases, the oxygen chamber can be divided into a medical air pressurized oxygen chamber and a medical oxygen pressurized oxygen chamber. Doctors outside the cabin can communicate with patients through observation windows and intercoms. Large household microbaric oxygen chamber can accommodate 10-20 seats .

The principle of microbaric oxygen therapy is simple. Although the oxygen supply cannot be increased by increasing the blood flow, the oxygen carrying capacity can be increased by the hardware micro-oxygen chamber. In this way, cells can also get more oxygen, thereby preventing the decline of tissue and organ functions, and can play a role in repairing their own functions. Microbaric oxygen not only has certain advantages in supplying oxygen to tissues and organs, but also has a purifying effect, and can be used as an auxiliary treatment for various diseases.

The household microbaric oxygen chamber has a wide range of clinical indications, and the machine will not go wrong. For example, if microbaric oxygen therapy leads to hyperoxia, certain side effects (such as oxygen toxicity, positive pressure sickness, etc.) will occur. Therefore, when using a micro-pressure oxygen chamber for home use, please strictly follow the instructions and operate according to the instructions. With the popularity of microbaric oxygen therapy, the application of home microbaric oxygen chambers has developed rapidly. But be careful when using the hardware to micro-compress the oxygen chamber. Although the number of adverse events receiving hardware micro-ballast chambers is small, they are very serious in nature and are mainly caused by improper operation.

Therefore, relevant medical institutions are reminded to strengthen the training and education of patients on the safe use of home microbaric oxygen chambers, and to apply for work permits in strict accordance with regulations.



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