Micromanipulation Fluid Features

Micromanipulation fluid has the following characteristics:
1. The purpose of the micromanipulation fluid is to provide low oxygen levels to prevent cellular respiration during the procedure. This helps slow down the metabolic rate of the cells, thereby keeping them stable during the procedure.
2. Another important feature of the micromanipulation fluid is that it has a hypotonic property, that is, the liquid can easily pass through the cell membrane into the cell, causing the cell volume to increase rapidly or even rupture. This helps substances such as chromosomes or DNA molecules in the cell to quickly migrate into the field of view in a short time during micromanipulation.
3. Micromanipulation fluid also contains nutrients required for cell growth, such as amino acids, glucose and inorganic salts, to maintain normal cell growth and division.
In summary, micromanipulation fluids are specially designed hypotonic fluids that are designed to provide low oxygen levels, nutrients, and a special cell growth environment for delicate micromanipulation.
Sperm micromanipulation fluid is mainly used for micromanipulation, and its main uses are as follows:
1. Dilute and prepare various cell culture fluids, some of which require the use of sterile saline, while others require the use of sterile PBS.
2. Preparation of various solutions for biochemical and histological studies.
3. Inoculate culture media with microorganisms.
4. Fluorescent dyes used to detect cell apoptosis by immunofluorescence technique.
5. Propidium iodide (PI) staining for apoptosis analysis.
6. Make a detergent for cell culture glassware.
7. Experimental reagents used for immunoblotting, antigen retrieval, apoptosis detection and other experimental steps.
8. Puncture fluid used for prostate puncture biopsy.



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