How to use the electrolyte detection electrode block

Electrolyte detection electrode blocks are usually used to test conductivity, pH value and other ion concentrations in water. The following is how to use the electrolyte detection electrode block:

1. Preparation: Take the electrolyte detection electrode block out of the package and check for damage. If damaged, do not use.

2. Clean the electrode: Rinse the electrolyte detection electrode block with pure water to remove impurities on the surface.

3. Calibrate the electrode: Calibrate the electrode according to the instrument's operating instructions. Generally speaking, calibration solutions include standard buffer solutions and conductivity standard solutions.

4. Operational measurement: Insert the electrolyte detection electrode block into the solution to be tested, ensuring that the depth of contact with the liquid is sufficient. Wait for some time for the electrode to stabilize.

5. Read the measurement results: Read the measurement results according to the instructions of the instrument. For conductivity testing, the results are generally expressed as conductivity values; for pH testing, the results are generally expressed as pH values.

6. Cleaning and storage: After the measurement, rinse the electrolyte detection electrode block with pure water to remove residual samples. Then put the electrode block back into the original packaging box, making sure to keep it in a dry and clean environment.

Please note that specific usage methods may vary depending on the model of the electrolyte detection electrode block and instrument. Therefore, please be sure to refer to the relevant operating instructions or consult the manufacturer before operation.



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