Principle and use of blood microbial culture monitor


Blood microbiology culture monitor is a device that can quickly detect microorganisms in blood samples. The principle is to use blood culture bottles and culture machines to cultivate microorganisms in blood samples, and to monitor and control CO2, temperature, humidity, pressure and other factors in the culture bottles in real time to promote the growth of microorganisms.
    When the number of microorganisms in the culture bottle reaches a certain level, the blood microbial culture monitor will detect the optical density of the microorganisms in the culture bottle through the photoelectric detection system, and transmit the data to the computer for analysis and analysis to determine whether there are microorganisms in the sample. infection, and can be treated accordingly based on the growth of the microorganisms.
    Because the blood microbial culture monitor can quickly and accurately detect microbial infections in patients, it has high application value in clinical medicine and can help doctors diagnose and treat more accurately.


1. Determine the time and location of blood sample collection: It is usually collected before the patient develops fever, and the collection site is the cubital vein or peripheral vein.
2. Determine the amount of blood required for culture: usually 5-10mL.
3. Confirm that the area around the collection point is clean: use alcohol or iodine to disinfect the area around the collection point to avoid contamination.
4. Use the blood microbial culture monitor: Inject the collected blood into the culture monitor and operate according to the instrument instructions.
5. Start culture: It usually requires 24-48 hours of culture in vitro.
6. Analyze the culture results: Determine whether there is bacterial infection based on the culture results.
1. Do not mix foreign matter into the collected blood, such as drugs, bacteria, etc.
2. Before culture, the culture equipment should be carefully prepared, including disinfection and accurate blood injection.
3. Strictly abide by operating specifications to avoid cross-contamination during collection, processing and analysis.



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