Notes on the fully automated indirect immunofluorescence reading system

The fully automatic indirect immunofluorescence interpretation system is an analytical instrument used in the fields of biology, agronomy, animal husbandry, veterinary medicine, traditional Chinese medicine and traditional Chinese medicine. The following points should be noted when using it:

1. Operators must be trained and familiar with equipment operation.
2. Do not use substances other than fluorescent materials such as antigens and antibodies to contaminate reagents.
3. When staining with different batches of fluorescein, the batch of fluorescein must be determined first to avoid misuse.
4. When staining different types of cells or tissues, the type of fluorescent dye should be determined first to avoid misuse.
5. It is best to use up all the reagents and staining plates in the kit at one time. If not used up, they should be stored at 4°C. However, the maximum shelf life is determined by the kit instructions.
6. When cleaning glass micropores, do not use cleaning fluids containing phenolic substances (such as cresol and phenol), because these substances can react with fluorescein, resulting in inaccurate test results.
7. Before each staining, check whether there are suspended matter or sediment in the fluorescent wash solution to avoid black spots that affect observation.
8. Avoid high temperature: All reagents and washing solutions must not be stored at a temperature exceeding 25°C.
9. Prevent peroxidation: There should not be too much hydrogen peroxide or other oxidizing substances in the washing liquid to avoid interference with microscopic observation.
10. Prevent micropores from being blocked: Clean the glass micropores in time to prevent them from being blocked to ensure smooth dyeing.
11. Prevent specimen contamination: Try to reduce specimen waste when collecting samples to avoid contaminating reagents; avoid contact between hands and other sources of contamination during operation; avoid repeated sampling to effectively prevent contamination.
12. Prevent specific reactions: Conduct specific reactions strictly according to the instructions.
13. Prevent nonspecific fluorescence: Nonspecific fluorescence is mainly caused by impurities or endogenous enzymes in the washing solution. To prevent nonspecific fluorescence, the following issues should be noted: choose the best washing solution; choose the best blocking solution; perform specific reactions strictly according to the instructions; and remove endogenous enzymes in the tissue as much as possible.
14. Prevent micropores from clogging: When cleaning the glass micropores, tap them gently and do not press them hard to prevent the micropores from clogging.
15. Pay attention to the amount of enzyme digestion product to avoid weak positive results.
16. The plate should be sealed according to the instructions, generally at room temperature or 4°C.

The above are the precautions for the fully automatic indirect immunofluorescence interpretation system. If any abnormality is found during use, the operation should be stopped immediately, and the reagents and equipment should be properly handled, and the superior department should be reported if necessary.



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