How to use the fully automatic dual-label fluorescence reader

The fully automatic dual-label fluorescence reader is mainly used to determine the concentration and purity of DNA, RNA or protein samples. How to use it:

1. Turn on the power of the fluorescence reader, wait for the instrument self-test to complete and enter standby mode.

2. Use laboratory-quality pure water or other suitable cleaning solvent to clean the reading plate and sample chamber of the instrument to ensure that no contaminants remain.

3. Prepare the sample of the substance to be tested and make appropriate dilution according to the experimental requirements. Transfer diluted samples to a clean 96-well microplate. At the same time, prepare some standard series of samples, that is, samples with known concentrations.

4. Load the standard series samples and the analyte samples into the corresponding wells of the reading plate. Make sure the volume of sample in each well is the same.

5. Insert the reading plate into the sample slot of the fluorescence reader, ensuring that the plate is correctly positioned and connected to the instrument.

6. Open the software program on the instrument and select the appropriate fluorescence signal, such as DNA or protein fluorescence signal.

7. Set the correct excitation and emission wavelengths to match the spectrum of the fluorescent dye in the sample.

8. Set the measurement parameters of the fluorescence reader, such as measurement range, integration time, etc.

9. Click the "Start Measurement" button, and the fluorescence reader will automatically scan and read all the wells in the sample plate.

10. Analyze the data measured by the instrument, calculate the concentration and purity of each sample, and perform relevant statistical analysis.

11. After completing the measurement, turn off the fluorescence reader and clean the reading plate and instrument.

It should be noted that when using a fully automatic dual-label fluorescence reader, the appropriate wavelength and parameter settings should be selected according to the specific experimental requirements and the characteristics of the fluorescent dye. In addition, the operating steps of the instrument may be different, and you need to refer to the instructions of the specific instrument used for specific operations.



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