Centrifuge tube cap function

Centrifuge tube cap function

Plastic centrifuge tubes are equipped with tube caps, and the tube caps must be tightly closed to prevent liquid from leaking out.

The function of the tube cover:

1. When used for radioactiveor highly corrosive samples, prevent the sample from leaking.

2. Prevent the sample from volatilizing.

3. Support the centrifuge tube to prevent the deformation of the centrifuge tube.

centrifugal technology

It has been widely used in biological sciences, especially in the fields of biochemistry and molecular biology research. Every biochemistry and molecular biology laboratory must prepare multiple types of centrifuges . Centrifugal technology is mainly used for the separation and preparation of various biological samples . The biological sample suspension is placed in a centrifuge tube and rotates at high speed. Due to the huge centrifugal force, the suspended tiny particles (such as organelles , biological macromolecules , etc.) are precipitated. ) settles at a certain speed and is separated from the solution.


When a particle (biological macromolecule or organelle) is subjected to centrifugal force under high-speed rotation, the centrifugal force “F” is defined by the following formula, namely: F = ma = mω2 r a — acceleration of particle rotation, m — effective mass of the settling particle . , ω— angular velocity of particle rotation  HYPERLINK "https://baike.baidu.com/item/%E8%A7%92%E9%80%9F%E5%BA%A6/1532689?fromModule=lemma_inlink" \t "https://baike.baidu.com/item/_blank" , r—radius of rotation of the particle (cm). Usually centrifugal force is often expressed as a multiple of the earth's gravity , so it is called relative centrifugal force "RCF". Or multiply the number by "g" to express, for example, 25000×g, which means the relative centrifugal force is 25000.



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