Function and use of domestic activity meter

Domestic activity meter is an instrument used to measure radioactive activity. It measures activity by measuring the ionizing radiation produced by radioactive decay. Measurement of radioactivity is required in many fields, such as the nuclear industry, medicine, environmental monitoring and radiochemistry.

The following is how to use a domestic activity meter:

1. Turn the power switch of the meter to the "off" position and then to the "on" position. The display will disappear, indicating that the meter is connected.

2. When the meter is powered on, the display will disappear. The instrument is now switched on.

3. When measuring, remove the electrode from the desiccant and insert the measuring electrode and reference electrode into the solution being measured. Note that the insulating rubber or plastic plug of the electrode cannot touch the solution being measured. Plug the end electrode head and tail and rinse them with electrolyte solution, then rinse them with distilled water. In any case, the tail and measuring ends of the measuring and reference electrodes must be below the liquid level.

4. The measured value can be read directly through the dial reading or through the "display".

5. After use, the electrode must be put back into the desiccant. If the electrode is dry, the electrode needs to be immersed in distilled water.

6. After using the instrument, the power switch must be turned to the "off" position.



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