How to use a uroflowmeter

Uroflowmeter is an instrument for measuring urine volume and urine flow rate. It is used as follows:

1. Place the uroflowmeter on a flat surface. Make sure the uroflowmeter and the ground are level.

2. Open the lid of the uroflowmeter and place it on the toilet or in a container.

3. Choose a suitable posture, standing or sitting, so that the urine flow is directly discharged into the uroflowmeter.

4. Start urinating. Direct the urine stream into the uroflowmeter, trying to keep the urine stream in the center and avoid hitting the walls.

5. After you have finished urinating, replace the lid tightly and clean the uroflowmeter.

6. Record urine flow and velocity as needed and consult with your doctor.

When multiple urine flow data need to be recorded, it is recommended to measure them at the same time.


1. Keep it clean: Before each use, the uroflowmeter should be cleaned and disinfected to avoid cross infection.

2. Correct use: When using the uroflowmeter, you should choose the right posture to ensure the correct urine flow measurement. Usually you urinate while standing or sitting. When collecting urine, the tip of the uroflowmeter should be placed in the center of the urine flow, and try to avoid obstruction.

3. Pay attention to the size: Choose the right size of uroflowmeter. Usually it is selected according to gender and age.

4. Don’t hold it close to your body: When using the uroflowmeter, don’t hold it close to your body to avoid interfering with the results.

5. Do not use to empty the bladder: The uroflowmeter is primarily used to measure urine flow and velocity, not to empty the bladder. The uroflowmeter should not be used to empty the bladder.

6. Proper Recording: Each time you use a uroflowmeter, be sure to record the results so that you can analyze changes in urine flow and velocity over time.



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