lactic acid electrode


Lactate electrode is an electrochemical sensor used to measure the concentration of lactic acid in living organisms. Lactic acid is a metabolite produced during energy metabolism in cells, and its concentration changes are closely related to the metabolic activity and energy supply status of the cell. Therefore, lactate electrodes are widely used in research and diagnosis in the fields of medicine, biology, and exercise physiology.
    The lactic acid electrode usually consists of a working electrode, a reference electrode and a counting electrode. The working electrode is coated with a layer of lactate oxidase (LOD) enzyme and auxiliary enzymes. The lactic acid molecules undergo an oxidation reaction under the action of the enzymes to generate electrons. The reference electrode is used to stabilize the potential and the counter electrode is used to measure the current generated. The working principle of the lactate electrode is based on the electron transfer process generated by the catalytic reaction of lactate oxidase.
    Lactate electrodes have the advantages of fast, accurate, sensitive and repeatable measurements. It can directly measure lactate concentration in biological fluids such as blood, urine, and cerebrospinal fluid. Lactate electrodes are commonly used to monitor the diagnosis and treatment of muscle diseases, heart disease, exercise status, metabolic abnormalities, and lactic acidosis. At the same time, lactic acid electrodes are also widely used in in vitro experiments, bioreactor control, exercise physiology research, and food, brewing and fermentation processes.
    In short, the lactate electrode is an important biosensor that can quickly and accurately measure the lactate concentration in organisms and has broad application prospects.


Lactic acid electrodes can be divided into the following categories based on different sensing mechanisms and working principles:
1. Biosensing electrodes: Using biological materials (such as enzymes) as a medium, lactic acid is converted into current-producing electrodes through an enzyme-catalyzed reaction on the medium. substance, measuring electrical current to indirectly measure lactate concentration.
2. Ion-selective electrode: This electrode uses an ion-selective membrane with lactic acid selectivity. After lactic acid enters the electrode through the membrane, a chemical reaction occurs in the electrode, and a current change is generated, thereby measuring the lactic acid concentration.
3. Gas sensing electrode: The oxidation of lactic acid produces carbon dioxide. The gas sensing electrode indirectly measures the concentration of lactic acid by measuring the change in current generated by carbon dioxide.
4. Sensitive membrane electrode: This electrode uses the interaction between lactic acid and a certain sensitive membrane to produce internal potential changes, and indirectly measures the lactic acid concentration by measuring the potential changes.
    These classification methods are not mutually exclusive, and electrode design can combine multiple principles to improve the accuracy and reliability of measurements.



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