Sampler classification and principle

Samplers can be divided into different categories, and the following are some of the common categories: Analog sampler: Analog sampler is the most basic sampler, which converts analog signals into digital signals. This type of sampler usually uses an analog-to-digital converter (ADC) to convert analog signals into digital signals. Digital sampler: A digital sampler is a sampler that can only process digital signals. This sampler is usually used in digital devices such as digital signal processors (DSPs) or digital signal controllers (DSCs). Audio sampler: An audio sampler is a sampler specifically used for audio recording and editing. It usually contains an audio input interface, an analog-to-digital converter, a preprocessor, and some other functional modules to meet the needs of audio recording and editing. Image sampler: An image sampler is a sampler used to capture images and convert them into digital form. It usually contains an image sensor, a preamplifier, an ADC, and other related hardware and software. High-speed sampler: A high-speed sampler is a sampler that can sample at high speed in a short time. It is usually used in fields such as fast data acquisition, high-speed communication, and physical experiments. Scanning sampler: A scanning sampler is a sampler used to scan documents or images and convert them into digital form. It typically consists of a moving sensor or lens, scanning circuitry, and other related hardware and software.

A sampler is an electronic device used to convert a continuous-time signal into a discrete-time signal. Its principle is based on the sampling theorem, which states that as long as the sampling frequency is higher than twice the highest frequency in the signal, the original signal can be completely restored. Specifically, the sampler samples the continuous-time signal according to a fixed time interval (called the sampling period). In each sampling period, the sampler measures the signal once and converts it into digital form. These digital sampled values are stored in memory to form a digital signal sequence. The sampler needs to consider many factors during the signal acquisition process, such as sampling period, sampling accuracy, noise, filtering, etc. Reasonable setting of these parameters can ensure the precision and accuracy of the acquired digital signal and the original signal.



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