Precautions for virus sampling tubes

1. Ensure the cleanliness of sampling equipment: Before use, the sampling tube and other related equipment (such as sampling swabs, sampling boxes, etc.) must be disinfected or sterilized to prevent cross-contamination.
2. Wear appropriate personal protective equipment: When conducting virus sampling, personal protective equipment such as masks and gloves must be worn correctly to ensure personal safety.
3. Follow the standard sampling process: Carry out virus sampling according to relevant standard operating procedures to ensure that the sampling process is accurate and standardized.
4. Avoid contamination during sampling: During the sampling process, try to avoid contacting the sampling equipment with other objects to avoid contamination.
5. Close the sampling tube promptly after sampling: After sampling is completed, the sampling tube must be sealed promptly to avoid sample leakage or contamination.
6. Mark and record sample information: After sampling is completed, the sample information must be marked on the corresponding sampling tube in a timely manner, and the relevant sampling time, location and other information must be correctly recorded to facilitate subsequent experiments and tracking work.
7. Keep low temperature when storing and transporting samples: Samples in virus sampling tubes should be stored at low temperature or refrigerated, and kept at low temperature during transportation to prevent loss of virus activity.
8. Dispose of waste safely: Discarded sampling equipment must be disposed of safely and comply with relevant waste management requirements to prevent cross-infection and environmental pollution.



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