How to use a turbidimetric analyzer

Nephelometric turbidity analyzer An instrument used to measure the turbidity of a substance. The following is how to use a general scattering turbidimeter:


1. Preparation: Make sure the instrument is in good working condition and check whether the light source, receiver and other components are normal. Clean the measuring cell and optics to ensure they are free of impurities.


2. Calibrate the instrument: Use standard solutions to calibrate the instrument. The calibration methods of different instruments may be different, but generally there is a reference value of a standard material, and the readings of the instrument are compared and adjusted with the reference value.


3. Set measurement parameters: Set measurement parameters according to experimental requirements, such as light source intensity, angle, measurement time, etc. These parameters will directly affect the accuracy of the measurement results.


4. Collect samples: Place the sample to be measured into the measuring cell. Make sure the sample fills the entire measuring cell to avoid air bubbles or foreign matter from affecting the measurement results.


5. Perform measurement: Start the measurement program, the instrument will emit light to the sample and measure the scattered light intensity. According to the measurement principle, the turbider the sample, the greater the intensity of scattered light.


6. Analysis results: After the measurement is completed, the instrument will give the measurement results, usually in the form of scattering ratio, turbidity, etc. The measurement results can be converted into a turbidity value for the substance by reference to a standard curve or other methods.


7. Clean the instrument: After the measurement, clean the measurement cell and optical parts in time to avoid the impact of sample residue on the next measurement.


It should be noted that different models of turbidimetric analyzers may have some differences and should be operated according to the operating instructions of the specific instrument. In addition, in order to ensure the accuracy of the measurement results, it is also necessary to reasonably select the measurement range and sample dilution.



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