Dynamic erythrocyte sedimentation rate tester

The dynamic erythrocyte sedimentation rate tester uses a high-speed thermal printer to print reports. It can flexibly set the report format and printing date of 120 test items. It supports the printing of English characters and numerical symbols, and supports the setting of color health management icons. The operation is quick and convenient, follow Hospital digital standards promulgated by the state.

ESR refers to the rate at which red blood cells settle, which is determined by measuring the overall sedimentation rate of red blood cells in the plasma. Under certain conditions, the speed at which red blood cells sink in plasma is related to factors such as plasma protein concentration, particle size, cell composition, and temperature.

Therefore, in order to obtain correct erythrocyte sedimentation rate results, errors must be avoided during operation. The main reasons for the error include blood drawing site, blood drawing operation, anticoagulant, erythrocyte sedimentation test tube, operator technique, plasma to whole blood ratio, total number of cells and particle size, etc. In order to reduce errors, the operating procedures for erythrocyte sedimentation rate determination should be strictly followed, standardized detection systems and kits should be selected, and attention should be paid to the maintenance and upkeep of instruments and equipment.



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