How to use the peripheral nerve detector

Before using the peripheral nerve detector medical device, you need to read the instruction manual carefully and follow the steps below:

1. Choose an appropriate testing location: Choose an appropriate testing location based on the different locations of the peripheral nerves that need to be tested.

2. Prepare the skin: Before testing, the skin needs to be carefully cleaned and dried.

3. Place the sensor on the skin: Place the sensor on the location to be tested and keep it close to the skin.

4. Perform the test: Turn on the device and perform the test according to the instructions in the user manual. Test each nerve location one by one according to the device's requirements.

5. Record the results: Record the test results in the medical record and analyze the data according to the parameters given by the equipment.

Treatment results: Based on the test results, doctors can develop diagnosis and treatment plans to provide patients with more scientific and effective treatment.


1. Please read the instruction manual carefully before use and follow the steps in the manual to operate correctly.

2. Make sure the peripheral nerve tester is clean and has no damaged or worn parts.

3. Make sure the power supply of the peripheral nerve detector is connected correctly and the voltage meets the requirements.

4. Before testing, the instrument needs to be calibrated to ensure accuracy.

5. During the test, keep the contact tip in good contact with the skin to avoid false results due to excessive or insufficient force.

6. Pay attention to the patient's feelings during testing to avoid over-stimulating or harming the patient.

7. If the patient has an allergic reaction or feels uncomfortable, the test should be stopped and a doctor should be consulted promptly.

8. The peripheral nerve detector should be cleaned promptly after use and stored properly to extend its service life.

9. Regularly maintain and service the peripheral nerve detector to ensure its normal use and accuracy.

10. If you find any abnormal situation or problem, please contact the manufacturer or dealer immediately for processing.



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