It is important to insist on wearing a mask!

Wash your hands frequently and wear a mask

The virus doesn't come close

Wearing a mask is to block the  virus

and other important means of transmission of respiratory infectious diseases

It also reduces public cross-infection

Effective measures to protect your own health

Everyone is the first person responsible for their own health!

insist on wearing a mask

Masks can not only prevent patients from spraying droplets, reduce the amount and velocity of droplets, but also block virus-containing droplet nuclei and prevent the wearer from inhaling them. Continue to wear a mask even if you have been vaccinated against the new coronavirus. For individuals, the protective effect of vaccination is not 100%, and it takes a certain amount of time to produce protective antibodies; for groups, the new coronavirus is still easy to spread without forming an immune barrier. Therefore, standard wearing of masks, frequent hand washing, and keeping a safe distance are the most cost-effective and simplest means of protection.

When do you need to wear a mask

When entering public places, whether it is a community, unit, shopping mall, supermarket, etc., you must wear a mask;

Wear a mask all the way when taking subways, buses and other public transportation;

When taking an elevator or entering a closed environment such as an underground garage, it is necessary to wear a mask in a standard manner. In particular, it should be reminded that even if there are no fellow passengers in the elevator, a mask should be worn;

Masks are required to be worn when visiting a doctor or accompanying someone in a hospital;

In our daily life, we have to be more vigilant when we go out for a walk, buy vegetables in the supermarket downstairs, and pick up express delivery at the gate of the community, and we must pay attention to wearing a mask.

When symptoms such as fever, dry cough, fatigue, and sore throat require medical treatment, it is recommended to wear a medical surgical mask or a mask of above grade.

These mistakes of masks cannot be made


not replaced for a long time

The inside of the mask is easy to adhere to the protein and water substances exhaled by the human body, which can easily lead to the growth of bacteria; under normal circumstances, medical surgical masks should be replaced in time after 4 hours of use.


Wrong wearing and storage

Pulling it up to the chin and hanging it on the side of the ear are all wrong ways to wear it; putting it directly in the bag, hanging it on the arm, or placing it randomly on the table are all wrong ways to store it.


Wear deformed, wet or dirty masks

When the mask is deformed, wet or visibly dirty, its protective performance will be reduced and it needs to be replaced in time.


Wear multiple masks at the same time

Wearing multiple masks cannot effectively increase the protective effect, but instead increases breathing resistance and may damage the tightness of the mask.


Disposable mask recycling

Using methods such as steaming, boiling, and spraying alcohol cannot make disposable masks reusable, but will reduce the protective effect. It is not recommended to reuse masks that have been used on cross-regional public transportation or in environments such as hospitals.

Tips for wearing a mask


What should I do if the mask is temporarily stored?

①It can be hung in a clean, dry and ventilated place;

② For masks with individual packaging, take them off, fold them inward, and put them back into the original packaging.


What to do if there are stretch marks on the face?

Severe strangulation can use topical ointment to improve skin blood circulation; the skin at the strangulation becomes soft, wrinkled, and white, and moisturizer should be applied before wearing.


Skin allergy how to do?

For acute skin redness, itching, and acne, please check whether the mask is qualified and apply ointment; for general skin allergies, please choose a mask with better air permeability and pay attention to moisturizing.


What to do about acne?

Pay attention to facial cleaning, eat less spicy food and sweet food, ensure sleep, and work and rest regularly.


Can I wear makeup while wearing a mask?

Try to choose less irritating cosmetics, remove makeup in time after returning home, and do a good job of skin cleaning and care.


What should I do if I feel uncomfortable wearing a mask for a long time?

If you experience discomfort such as suffocation and shortness of breath while wearing a mask, you should immediately go to an open and ventilated place to take off the mask.

Masks are thin, but they can prevent the spread of disease

Although the mask is small, it can reflect the civilized quality

Although the mask is stuffy, it can keep the whole family safe



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Mobile phone: +8613156360660


Address: Room 211, No. 1313, Jinshui Road, Licang District, Qingdao City, Shandong

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