How to use the silver needle thermal conductivity inspection instrument

The silver needle thermal conductivity inspection instrument is a device used to detect faults in silver wire transmission. Here are the steps to use:


1. Preparation: Charge the thermal conductivity detector and ensure that its power is sufficient; bring necessary safety tools, such as insulating gloves, safety glasses, etc.


2. Turn off the power: Before performing inspection, turn off the power of the circuit to be inspected. This is a very important and necessary step to avoid the risk of electric shock.


3. Connect the wire: Connect the needle probe of the thermal conductivity detector to the silver wire to be detected. Make sure the connection is tight and not loose.


4. Turn on the thermal conductivity detector: press the switch button on the thermal conductivity detector to start the device. During the startup process, pay attention to whether there are any abnormal warning signals or sounds.


5. Start inspection: Place the needle probe of the thermal conductivity inspection instrument on the silver wire to be inspected and maintain a certain pressure. Move the thermal conductivity inspection instrument to inspect along the path of the wire.


6. Record data: During the inspection process, the thermal conductivity inspection instrument will measure data such as temperature and voltage transmitted by the wire. Use the recording function on the thermal conductivity detector to record the data for subsequent analysis and processing.


7. Analysis and processing: Analyze problems and faults in wire transmission based on inspection data. For abnormal data, corresponding processing needs to be carried out, such as replacing wires, repairing connectors, etc.


8. Turn off the thermal conductivity inspection instrument: After the inspection is completed, press the shutdown button on the thermal conductivity inspection instrument to turn off the device.


9. Cleaning and storage: Clean the needle probe of the thermal conductivity detector and make sure the device is dry and undamaged before storage.


It should be noted that the above steps are only general usage methods, and specific operations should be carried out according to the instructions for use of the thermal conductivity inspection instrument. At the same time, when using the thermal conductivity inspection instrument, you must pay attention to safety and follow the relevant operating procedures and operating instructions.



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