How to use semi-automatic plate washer

1. Preparations before cleaning the plate washer. Before starting to clean the plate washer, you need to check whether the functions of each system are in good condition and whether the joints, valves, and pipes are connected properly. Cleaning can only be carried out after confirming that they are normal.

2. Steps to clean the plate washer. First, clean the water tank of the plate washer. Pour clean water or weak cleaning agent into the water tank. Press the cleaning button or knob to start the cleaning system for cleaning. When cleaning, it is best to adjust the pressure to 3-4 kg/cm² (0.3-0.4 MPa).

3. Troubleshooting after cleaning. After the water discharged from the plate washer is clear or the water discharged has become colorless and transparent, the power or gas valve can be turned off.

4. Things to pay attention to during cleaning. During the cleaning process, water or cleaning agent should be replenished at any time, and leaks in various pipes, joints, and valves should be observed to detect and deal with leaks in a timely manner.

5. Things to note after cleaning. After cleaning, turn off the power supply or the main gas valve, open the vent valve, and discharge the remaining air.


Please note that different plate washers may have different usage methods and precautions. It is recommended to refer to the instructions of the specific equipment.



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