How to use the ELISA analyzer

The method of using the enzyme label analyzer is as follows:

1. Preheating: Before using the ELISA analyzer, it needs to be placed in a suitable room and preheated to the required temperature.
2. Liquid preparation: According to the experimental needs, various reagents and samples need to be prepared before the ELISA analyzer works.
3. Cleaning: Before using the ELISA analyzer, the wells of the ELISA plate need to be cleaned. Usually, washing solution is used for cleaning, and the number of cleaning times depends on the experimental requirements.
4. Add the first standard or sample: Add the first standard or sample to the ELISA plate wells, and the amount added must be accurate.
5. Add enzyme-labeled conjugate: After the first standard or sample is added, add the enzyme-labeled conjugate.
6. Incubation: Place the ELISA analyzer in a constant temperature bath for incubation.
7. Washing: After incubation, the wells of the ELISA plate need to be washed.
8. Color development: After adding the color developer, incubate again.
9. Stop the reaction: After adding the stop solution, the enzyme reaction stops.
10. Observe color changes: After a period of time, observe the color changes in each hole.
11. Measure the optical density value: Use a microplate analyzer to measure the optical density value in each well.

The above is the method of using the enzyme label analyzer. It should be noted that before using the enzyme label analyzer, you need to read the instruction manual carefully and follow the operating steps.



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