Fully automatic platelet aggregation meter

Fully automatic platelet aggregation meters can be divided into the following two categories: 
1. Reflect the degree of aggregation by detecting free platelets released during platelet aggregation. 
2. Reflect the degree of aggregation by detecting the platelet aggregates released during platelet aggregation.
The fully automatic platelet aggregator is an instrument used to detect platelet aggregation function. It is mainly suitable for auxiliary diagnosis and treatment of hypercoagulable states and thrombotic diseases and monitoring of blood rheology indicators.
The principle of the fully automatic platelet aggregation meter is mainly based on platelet aggregation reaction. Specifically, it triggers a platelet aggregation reaction by adding platelet aggregating agents, such as adenosine diphosphate (ADP) or collagen (COL), to the blood sample in the test tube.
During this process, platelet aggregants activate platelets, causing them to adhere to each other and form platelet aggregates. The instrument evaluates the platelet aggregation response by detecting impedance changes or by measuring the size and number of aggregates optically.
In general, the principle of the fully automatic platelet aggregation instrument is to use platelet aggregation reaction to measure the degree of platelet aggregation in blood samples, thereby assessing the risk of thrombosis.



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