Fully automatic slide processing system

The fully automatic slide processing system is used for analytical instruments in the fields of biology, agriculture, basic medicine, traditional Chinese medicine and traditional Chinese medicine. It can automatically slice, review and stain paraffin sections, and complete automatic data collection. The system uses single-chip microtome technology to realize the entire process of automatic positioning, clamping, sample introduction, slicing, and ejection of slide sections without manual intervention. It has high slicing efficiency and high precision, and can be used in pathology, cells, and Tissue, nerve, biochemistry, pharmacology, immunity, radioimmunoassay, microbiology, animal experiments and other fields. The main functions of the system include:

1. Automatic slicing: Automatically divide large slides into several small slices for staining.

2. Review function: Before staining, the system will check the quality of the slices to ensure that the quality of the slices is qualified.

3. Staining function: Stain sections, including conventional staining and special staining.

4. Image analysis: Perform image analysis on the stained sections, including quantitative analysis and qualitative analysis.

5. Data sorting: Analyze and sort the sliced data to form images or data tables.

This system has the characteristics of easy operation, fast processing speed, and high degree of automation. It is suitable for rapid processing and analysis of large batches of samples, greatly improving experimental efficiency.

Fully automatic slide processing system is a high-efficiency microscope slide processing equipment. Its main features include automation, efficiency, accuracy, intelligence, etc.

The fully automatic slide processing system adopts a fully automatic design without manual intervention, can work continuously, is highly efficient, fast, and saves time. It can automatically position and clamp the slides, automatically position and quantitatively add samples, automatically mix the samples, automatically open and close the slide clamps, automatically clean the slides, and automatically statistically process the results, etc. In addition, the system can automatically detect markers on the slides and set up different processing programs for automated processing of different samples.


In short, the fully automatic slide processing system is a powerful, efficient and intelligent slide processing equipment that can greatly improve the efficiency of experimental research.



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