Vacuum blood collection tube selection and injection sequence

Select the corresponding test tube according to the item to be tested. The order of blood injection is culture bottle, common test tube, test tube containing solid anticoagulant, test tube containing liquid anticoagulant. The purpose of following this sequence is to minimize the analysis errors caused by the specimen collection. Sequence of blood distribution: ① Sequence of using glass test tubes: blood culture test tubes, serum tubes without anticoagulant, sodium citrate anticoagulant test tubes, and other anticoagulant test tubes. ② Order of using plastic tubes: blood culture tubes (yellow), sodium citrate anticoagulant tubes (blue), serum tubes with or without blood coagulation activators or gel separation, gel or no gel Heparin tube (green), EDTA anticoagulant tube (purple), and blood glucose decomposition inhibitor test tube (gray).

2. Blood collection site and posture

Infants and young children can follow the method recommended by the World Health Organization to take blood from the inner and outer edges of the thumb or heel, preferably from the head and neck vein or the anterior bregma vein. Adults choose the median elbow vein, back of the hand, wrist joint, etc. without congestion and edema, and the veins of individual patients are on the back of the elbow joint. Most outpatients take the sitting position, and most patients in the ward take the lying position. When taking blood, ask the patient to relax, keep the environment warm, and prevent venous contracture. The restraint time should not be too long, and it is forbidden to slap the arm, otherwise it may cause local blood concentration or activate the coagulation system. Try to choose thick and easy-to-fix blood vessels for puncture to ensure a sharp hit. The needle insertion angle is generally 20-30°. After seeing blood return, move forward slightly in parallel, and then put on the vacuum tube. In some patients, the blood pressure is low.

3. Strictly check the validity period of blood collection tubes

It must be used within the validity period, and it must not be used when there are foreign objects or sediments in the blood collection tube.

4. Paste the barcode correctly

Print the barcode as directed by the doctor, and paste it on the front after checking, and the barcode cannot cover the scale of the blood collection tube.

5. Timely inspection

After the blood sample is collected, it is required to send it for inspection within 2 hours, so as to minimize the influencing factors. When sending for inspection, avoid strong light, shelter from wind and rain, prevent freezing, high temperature, shaking, and hemolysis.

6. Storage temperature

The storage environment temperature of the blood collection tube is 4-25°C, if the storage temperature is at or below 0°C, it may cause the rupture of the blood collection tube.

7. Protective latex cover

The latex sleeve at the end of the plunger can prevent blood from continuing to pollute the surroundings after the blood collection test tube is pulled out, and play a role in sealing the blood collection to prevent environmental pollution. The latex sleeve must not be removed. When collecting blood samples in multiple tubes, the rubber of the blood collection needle may be damaged. If there is any damage, it will cause blood spillage, which should be absorbed first, and then disinfected.



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