How to use and pay attention to medical ultra-low temperature refrigerator

1. Temperature setting: Use the temperature controller specified in the instruction manual to set the temperature to the temperature you need.
2. Power socket: Plug the power cord into the power socket and make sure the power cord plug is plugged into the power socket.
3. Refrigerator door closed: Close the refrigerator door and make sure the door is closed tightly.
4. Temperature setting: Set the temperature controller to the temperature you require.
5. Use the switch: Use the power switch to control the power on and off.
6. Note: Avoid opening the refrigerator door frequently to avoid affecting the cooling effect.
When using medical ultra-low temperature refrigerators, please pay attention to the following points:
1. The equipment should be placed on a level work surface. If it is not level, the internal shock absorbing device may vibrate, which may damage the equipment in severe cases.
2. The machine should be placed in a dry, well-ventilated place, away from direct sunlight.
3. The power supply should be 220V, 50/60Hz, three-pin plug, single-phase input.
4. Before powering on, check whether the wires are in good condition and the connectors are firmly connected. For equipment that is used continuously during shifts or is out of service for a long time, perform protective cleaning once a week.
5. The equipment should be transported securely and the box should be protected during handling.
6. When the device is powered on, please do not touch the power supply with metal objects to avoid short circuit.
7. When the ultra-low temperature refrigerator does not refrigerate, it may be due to a refrigerator failure or refrigerant leakage. In this case, you should cut off the power supply and contact after-sales or maintenance personnel for inspection and repair. Do not disconnect the refrigeration circuit to avoid refrigerant leakage.
8. When the temperature exceeds 30 degrees Celsius, please turn off the dehumidification mode and turn on the air supply mode. At the same time, you should often remove dust from the machine and keep the inside of the machine clean and tidy to ensure the normal operation of the machine.



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