How to use the microhook

A micro hook is a tool used under a microscope, mainly used to manipulate and move samples or cells observed under a microscope. Here is how to use a micro hook:


1. Preparation: Make sure the microhook is clean and use a microneedle suspended in sterile liquid or sterilized to place at the end of the microhook. Make sure the microhook and the microscope platform are clean.


2. Adjust the microscopic hook: Adjust the position and focus of the microscopic hook by observing under the microscope and using the microscopic adjustment buttons to better observe and manipulate the sample.


3. Use the microhook: Gently place the microhook on the cell or sample to be manipulated, and then slowly move the microhook to manipulate and move the sample or cell. Make sure to take gentle actions to avoid damaging the sample or cell.


4. Control the force: The force with which the microhook is used can be adjusted as needed. Gently moving the microhook can be used for fine and precise manipulation, while slightly increasing the force can be used for greater movement and manipulation.


5. Finished: When you are done, carefully remove the microhook from the sample or cell. Make sure to avoid touching other parts to avoid contamination.


6. Cleaning and Storage: After use, clean the microhook gently and store it in a dry, clean container to prevent contamination or damage.


Please note that laboratory safety practices should be followed when using microhook and the appropriate laboratory manual and operating instructions should be followed.



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