How to use red blood cell deformation meter

The method of using the red blood cell deformation meter is as follows:

1. Prepare experimental equipment, including computers, microscopes, tensiometers, cell culture incubators, blood anticoagulants and cell culture media.
2. Prepare blood anticoagulant and cell culture medium. Add blood anticoagulant to DPBS and shake evenly to obtain anticoagulated blood.
3. Collect the anticoagulated blood, put it into a centrifuge, and centrifuge it for 5 minutes at a centrifugal force of 400g to collect the hematocrit.
4. Place the hematocrit into an incubator and culture it at 37°C and 5% CO2 for about 2 hours to allow the cells to reach an adherent state.
5. Adjust the working parameters of the red blood cell deformation meter, and set the tension value and measurement frequency.
6. Place the hematocrit into an incubator and incubate for 24 hours at 37°C and 5% CO2.
7. Turn on the red blood cell deformator and drop the hematocrit solution on the slide to make the blood cells evenly distributed.
8. Place the glass slide containing blood cells into the deformation instrument and start the instrument for measurement. Repeat the measurement 3 times and take the average value.
9. Based on the measured data, draw the red blood cell deformation curve.

Through the red blood cell deformation meter, the deformability of red blood cells under different physiological or pathological conditions can be studied, providing a basis for clinical blood transfusion and the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular diseases.



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