How to use vitrification cryogenic liquid

Vitrification is a commonly used freezing medium used to freeze samples for further study or preservation. The following is how to use vitrification cryogenic liquid:


1. Prepare vitrification cryogenic liquid: vitrification cryogenic liquid is usually a mixture, the main components are refrigerant and protective agent. Select the appropriate refrigerant and protective agent according to the needs of the sample, and mix them evenly according to the proportion.


2. Cool the vitrification cryogenic liquid: Place the mixed vitrification cryogenic liquid in a low-temperature environment, such as a liquid nitrogen tank or dry ice, to cool it to the required temperature. Different refrigerants and protectants can provide different cooling temperature ranges, so make sure you understand their temperature characteristics before choosing one to use.


3. Prepare samples: Prepare samples to be frozen. Ensure samples are packaged or sealed appropriately to prevent penetration of cryogenic fluid or contamination of samples.


4. Immerse the sample: Carefully immerse the sample into the pre-cooled vitrification solution. Make sure the sample is completely covered with liquid.


5. Freeze the sample: Wait enough time for the sample to cool completely in the vitrification solution. The cooling time depends on the size and nature of the sample and can be referred to relevant research literature or recommendations.


6. Store or continue research: Once the freezing process is complete, you can choose to store the sample in a vitrification solution to keep the sample in its solid state until needed. Samples can also be removed for subsequent research or analysis.


It should be noted that when using vitrified refrigerant, relevant safety operating procedures must be followed, including precautions for low-temperature operations and the use of protective equipment. In addition, different types of samples may require different freezing solutions and processing methods , so be sure to consult a professional or read the relevant technical information before use.



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