characteristics of body fluid morphology analyzers

The main categories of body fluid morphology analyzers are:
1. Urine formed component analyzer: This is an instrument that can measure the formed components in urine. The main methods include optical analysis, resistance method, conductivity method, color thermometer method, charge analysis method, etc.
2. Blood formed component analyzer: It is an instrument for measuring blood formed components, mainly including resistance method, photoelectric volume analysis method, resistance immunoassay method, photoimmunoassay method, fluorescence immunoassay method, etc.
3. Feces analyzer: It is an instrument that can automatically analyze the composition of feces. The main methods include resistance method, photoelectric volume analysis method, chemical analysis method, immunoassay method, etc.
4. Prostatic fluid examination microscope: This is a microscope specifically used to examine prostatic fluid. Its main feature is that it can directly observe the composition and cell morphology of the prostatic fluid, as well as the presence of bacteria and parasites.
5. Microscopic examination of vaginal secretions: This microscope is used to examine vaginal secretions. Its main feature is that it can directly observe the composition and cell morphology of vaginal secretions, as well as the presence of bacteria and parasites.
6. Bone marrow cell analyzer: This instrument can automatically analyze bone marrow cells. Its main feature is that it can automatically detect the composition and morphology of bone marrow cells, as well as the presence of bacteria and parasites.
The above classification is divided according to different application scenarios and needs. Different body fluid morphology analyzers use different technical principles and analysis methods.
The characteristic of body fluid morphology analyzer is that it can automatically analyze and detect various formed elements in urine sediment, such as red blood cells, white blood cells, epithelial cells, renal tubular cells, basement membrane, sperm, etc., and can automatically calculate the positive rate of various formed elements. At the same time, it can also perform quantitative detection, such as red blood cells, white blood cells, epithelial cells and casts, and can print out urine sediment test reports with international standards.



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