How to use blood cell morphology analyzer

The blood cell morphology analyzer is a device that analyzes cell images under a microscope using computer image analysis technology. It can be used for blood cell morphology detection and analysis. The following is the general usage of the blood cell morphology analyzer:
1. Preparation: Connect the blood cell morphology analyzer with the microscope, microscope light source, microscope objective lens and other equipment, and turn on the power of the blood cell morphology analyzer and microscope.
2. Slide preparation: Place the slide on the microscope stage and use a slide pusher to push the slide into the microscope field of view.
3. Cell collection: Use a blood cell collection needle to collect a blood sample from the patient and drop the collected blood sample on the other side of the slide.
4. Cell staining: drop the staining solution on the slide, cover the sample with a staining cup, and gently shake the staining cup to evenly distribute the staining solution on the sample.
5. Image acquisition: Open the image acquisition module of the blood cell morphology analyzer, select the corresponding microscope objective and channel, and collect the cell image in the microscope field of view into the computer.
6. Image analysis: Use the blood cell morphology analyzer software to analyze the collected images. The software will automatically identify and mark different types of cells, such as red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets, etc., and calculate the number, size, morphology and other parameters of the cells.
7. Result output: Output the analysis results to the report sheet, including cell counts, morphological parameters, etc.
It should be noted that the use of blood cell morphology analyzer requires certain medical knowledge and operating skills. Before use, you should carefully read the instructions and precautions to ensure correct operation. At the same time, the equipment is a precision instrument and should be properly stored and maintained.



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