Blood flow detector

The principles of blood flow detectors are:

1. Ultrasonic detection method: Ultrasonic detection method is used to detect hemodynamics. This method uses an ultrasound device to detect blood flow velocity and flow in blood vessels to reflect vascular lesions.

to evaluate left ventricular systolic function through non-invasive dual-function color echocardiography (2D-ECG-CW-USG) .

3. Thermodilution method: Thermodilution method is a basic method commonly used in hemodynamics.

Blood flow detectors are widely used in medicine and biology. By obtaining hemodynamic parameters such as cardiac output, arterial blood pressure, heart rate, blood flow and blood flow velocity, the body's blood circulation status can be understood, providing a basis for diagnosis and treatment.

The blood flow detector is used as follows:

1. Turn on the power, the green light will turn on, and preheat for 3 minutes.

2. Wipe the surface of the probe with gauze, open the gauze with blood, and press the probe tightly against the skin.

3. Press the switch, the red light will turn on, and at the same time, slowly massage the probe so that it fully contacts the skin within 20 seconds.

4. After 20 seconds, the instrument stops automatically. Wipe the probe with gauze and put it into the disinfectant.

5. Press the switch, the red light comes on, and slowly massage the probe so that it fully contacts the skin within 20 seconds.

6. After 20 seconds, the instrument stops automatically.

7. Record the measurement results.


Please refer to the specific product manual or consult a professional when using a blood flow detector.



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