How to use medical soda lime

Medical soda lime is a chemical used for brutal sterilization, disinfection and purification and has a wide range of applications in medical environments. The following are some methods of using medical soda lime:
1. Disinfection equipment: Place the equipment indoors or in a closed container, add an appropriate amount of medical soda lime, seal the container, and allow it to be steam sterilized. The disinfection time is determined according to the type and quantity of microorganisms to be killed.
2. Brutal sterilization: Medical soda lime can be used in brutal sterilization equipment, such as automatic sterilizers and dry heat sterilizers. According to the instructions in the equipment manual, pour an appropriate amount of medical soda lime into the equipment to perform the sterilization process.
3. Purification of sterilization rooms: In medical environments, such as operating rooms, emergency rooms, or wards, medical soda lime can be used to purify the air and surfaces. Sprinkle an appropriate amount of medical soda lime on the area to be decontaminated and make sure it is evenly distributed. Let it continue to work for a while before cleaning.
4. Disinfection water treatment: In some cases, medical soda lime can be used to treat disinfection water to eliminate pathogenic bacteria in it. According to the water content and degree of pollution, add an appropriate amount of medical soda lime, stir evenly, and let it act for a period of time before filtering and processing.
It should be noted that the following safety procedures should be followed when using medical soda lime as a strong alkaline substance:
- Wear protective gloves and goggles when using to avoid contact with skin and eyes.
- Avoid direct inhalation of dust and operate in a well-ventilated area.
- Do not mix medical soda lime with other chemicals to avoid dangerous reactions.
- Residual medical soda lime should be cleaned up promptly after use to prevent accidental contact or ingestion.
    The above are only general usage methods. In actual operation, they should be used according to specific circumstances and relevant regulations, and follow the rules and regulations of medical institutions.



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